Sunday, April 08, 2007

Collection Agencies (Part III)

Collection Agencies (Part III)

What to do if they contact you

Can they contact my employer or other people I know?

They can only contact them to find out where you live and where you work.

They cannot discuss the debt with them.

They cannot call you at work if you have told them that your employer does not allow such calls.

Can I stop them from contacting me?

Yes. Send them a letter by certified and regular mail telling them not to contact you. Keep a copy for your records.

After they get your letter they can contact you only one more time to tell you what they are going to do. If they contact you more than once, you can sue them and you may get up to $1,000 per violation.

Contact us for more information or speak with one of our counselors at (800) 593-8222. If you live outside of Southern California, call us at (213) 974-1452.