Friday, March 23, 2007

Collection Agencies (Part II)

Collection Agencies (Part II)

What to do if they contact you

Can they take my paycheck or property?

Usually they cannot take your wages or property unless they sue you and win.

Some debts don’t require a judgment for collection, such as student loans and child support payments. If a collection agency is threatening to take your paycheck or property, call us for help.

Things collection agencies cannot do

By law, collection agencies cannot:

· Call you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.

· Repeatedly call to harass you.

· Use foul language when talking to you.

· Threaten to sue you if they don’t intend to do it.

· Tell you they are an attorney, a police officer, or someone else they are not.

· Threaten to have you arrested, put you in jail, or physically harm you.

Young Lee
Go With the Leaders!

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